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What Is The Difference Between Hemp Seed Oil and Hemp Oil?

We know that the current labels in the hemp industry can be confusing. Right now the hemp revolution is so recent that companies have not adopted a single type of product descriptions.

That’s why it’s important for you to know the answer to the question – what is the difference between hemp seed oil and hemp oil?

If you don’t know the answer yet, keep reading.

What is the Difference Between Hemp Seed Oil and Hemp Oil – and Where Does CBD Come From?

When we’re answering what is the difference between hemp seed oil and hemp oil, we must understand exactly what CBD is.

CBD, or cannabidiol, comes from the flower of the hemp plant. This is contrary to the common misconception that CBD comes from the hemp seed.

There is virtually no CBD or other cannabinoids found in hemp seeds. Hemp flower, which is often called “bud,” contains up to 120 different cannabinoids, as well as CBD.

The hemp plant is harvested, the flower removed and then put through an extraction process.

The extraction technique can involve ethanol, carbon dioxide, or water. Each type of extraction will yield a different type of cannabinoid profile and formulation.

These specific formulations can help support different systems in the body.

What is the Difference Between Hemp Seed Oil and Hemp Oil – and What is Hemp Seed Oil?

When discussing just what is the difference between hemp seed oil and hemp oil, think location, location, location!

The primary difference between hemp seed oil and hemp oil is the location they are derived from within the plant.

Cold pressing hemp seeds will result in the creation of hemp seed oil. Hemp seeds contain all 11 essential amino acids that the human body needs for optimal health and function.

However, hemp seeds contain only trace amounts or potentially zero presence cannabinoids like CBD.

What does this mean?

This means that you won’t get any therapeutic effects from hemp seed oil.

However, if you want to keep it stocked in your fridge, it can help support skin, hair, and nail health in humans and dogs.

This is due to its vitamin E content, as well as mineral content. Go ahead, drizzle some hemp seed oil on your salad!

What is the Difference Between Hemp Seed Oil and Hemp Oil – and What is Hemp Oil?

Hemp oil comes from the hemp flower. Most CBD companies choose the phrase hemp oil as a primary product description.

Because CBD is just one type of cannabinoid found in these products, “hemp oil” is often a better phrase to name a product.

Considering hemp flower contains up to 120 different cannabinoids, hemp oil is a better title than CBD oil.

Keeping this in mind, most products are labeled as CBD Hemp Oil, or Hemp Oil containing xx milligrams of CBD, cannabinoids, or hemp extract

Either one of these labels are legitimate.

If you see something labeled hemp oil, that is a green light to do your homework and look for the amount of CBD contained in the product.

What is the Difference Between Hemp Seed Oil and Hemp Oil – and What Should I Look For on a Bottle?

This is a great question – it’s also critical to the answer to what is the difference between hemp seed oil and hemp oil.

While labeling will differ from company to company and product to product, the number one thing to look for is the cannabinoid content.

Dozens of products are labeled as “hemp oil” instead of “CBD oil,” however, you should always look for the amount of CBD listed in milligrams (mg).

This is where most people go wrong when it comes to buying CBD. Most people in their first purchase, buy something that is hemp seed oil, or hemp oil with no verified CBD content.

This is what we do best at Anavii Market - we empower you to know what is in your bottle.

Do not ever buy anything unless you know the amount of CBD and cannabinoids contained in the bottle. Period.

What is the Difference Between Hemp Seed Oil and Hemp Oil – and Can a Product Have Both?

What is the difference between hemp seed oil and hemp oil if a product contains both ingredients?

This is common for the hemp industry.

For example, one of the products here at Anavii Market, our Bluebird Botanicals Classic CBD, contains both organic hemp seed oil and hemp oil, which contains CBD content.

Other products will use different carrier oils such as MCT or coconut oil instead of hemp seed oil, but this will not affect the CBD content.

What Is The Difference Between Hemp Seed Oil and Hemp Oil – and the Bottom Line

Hemp seed oil comes from the hemp seed and contains zero or trace amounts of cannabinoids. Remember, hemp seed oil will not provide any support or therapeutic effects for chronic issues.

CBD companies and manufacturers use the phrase hemp oil to label their CBD products. Remember, this is a blanket term that refers to any product containing cannabinoids.

Once you see hemp oil on a product label, that is your signal to look and find the CBD content listed in milligrams.

Looking for the Best CBD Near You? Contact Us Below! 

We hope you were able to answer the question – what is the difference between hemp seed oil and hemp oil? Because hemp oil and hemp seed oil are vastly different!

Still having troubles finding the answer to what is the difference between hemp seed oil and hemp oil?

Please feel free to Contact Us here. As always, we’re here to help!

The products sold on this site and these statements herein have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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